Are You A Quester? Take The Quiz!
Are You A Quester? Take The Quiz!
Are you a Quester? Would you like to become one? Who are Questers anyway? 
What personality traits give them confidence and courage to succeed? 
Take the Quester Quiz
 Answer yes or no:  
1. When I want something, I’m willing to risk. 
2. I have a sense of purpose and pursue goals in harmony with it. 
3. I’m usually optimistic. 
4. I like trying new things. 
5. I place more value on challenge and growth than security, money, prestige. 
6. I periodically reassess values and goals. 
7. I make my own decisions, and if necessary, swim against the tide.
8. I turn setbacks into opportunities.
9. I feel good about myself.
10. I'm altruistic, helpful.
11. I feel connected to a higher power.
12. I'm playful at times.
13. I enjoy life's pleasures without being bound by them.
14. I'm flexible, resilient.
Scoring: 11 or more “yes" responses suggest you’re a Quester; 4 or less "yes" responses indicate you’re a Traditionalist. Scores between 5 and 10 suggest you're a Potential Quester.
To adapt and succeed in changing times we must learn new attitudes and skills. We must strengthen the Quester traits we have within.
Questers have been around for centuries. Famous Questers include Galileo Galilei, the Italian physicist who proved the earth revolved around the sun and JK Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series.
Yet, many Questers who have not made news headlines have courage and confidence to pursue their dreams. Jesse came to North America from China when she was 30. She took survival jobs while studying English and computers. Jesse was just promoted in her computer job.
Attuned to changes within and around them, Questers anticipate layoffs and know voluntary and involuntary career changes are a normal part of growth. Therefore, quitting a job during a recession may be smart. While his colleagues worried about being laid off, Mike upgraded his skills and contacted employers. He was offered a job the day he received his pink slip.
Questers create work that’s in harmony with their purpose. As a child Fred loved fixing things so he studied mechanical engineering. He had been promoted to senior management within a large organization, but wasn’t happy. Fred realized he couldn’t express his passion – fixing things – in the company.  Therefore, he pursued his purpose by becoming a maintenance man in an apartment complex. “If you’re doing something you like, it’s not really work, and you’re making money…”  Fred radiates joy. 
Fred, Jesse, Mike, and other Questers measure success internally. Success, to Questers, means moving up or down the occupational prestige ladder to achieve fulfillment and growth. Questers are productive because they enjoy their work and set high standards. 
Not all Questers live to work. Some work to live.  Lorrie’s calling is to enjoy life. “I work to support my lifestyle…Although I get satisfaction from doing a good job, I devote my life to hobbies and volunteer activities.”
Retirement is obsolete to Questers. John, a professor, says; “I could retire, but choose not to because work is too much fun…”If I wasn’t paid, I would continue to work. If I retire, there is only one thing left!
We’re all born Questers. However, as we grow older, societal institutions inhibit development of Quester traits.  Fortunately, we retain Quester traits within and can strengthen these, if we desire.  Sometimes, crises such as layoffs, illnesses or death of loved ones force us to come to terms with who we are and what we really want.  
Nurturing the Quester spirit
Security is an illusion. To prevail beyond 2020, strengthen Quester traits.
- Focus on the positive. Think about who you want to be and do. Believe in yourself. Look for and expect good things to happen. Avoid phrases such as, "I can't."  
- Continue to learn. Read, take courses. Challenge conventional beliefs. Find better ways to do things. Place no limitations on yourself.
- Look upon something different or unknown as an opportunity to challenge yourself. If you don't try something new, how will you find out you can do it? View mistakes as learning experiences.
- Use intellect and intuition when making decisions.  Research needed information, then use intuition. For example, ask dreams a question before falling asleep, journal, meditate, relax in nature. 
- Be authentic. Do what you feel is right for you, not what others think. Your actions should be consistent with your thoughts and feelings. Don't succumb to peer or family pressures
- Manage Fear. Identify worrisome issues. Minimize these by researching relevant information and resources. Live in the present. Let go of "attachments." Form a support system.
- Enhance courage to risk. Review three successful risks taken. Note what made these successful. Identify perceived barriers for taking another risk, and explore ways to overcome these. 
- Strengthen resilience. Approach problems from different perspectives. Ask for feedback from people with diverse backgrounds. Take things out of their ordinary context and create new patterns for them. Notice the number of ways you can use eggs or milk cartons. Develop a playful, childlike curiosity. Ask questions, experiment. 

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